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Where is located Pompeii ?

Ricostruzione dell'Eruzione del Vesuvio che distrusse Pompei ed Ercolano

scavi di Pompei

Pompei Apollo Diana

Pompei negozio

Pompei oggi

Pompei Santuario della Vergine del Rosario

Charming town lying on one of the Vesuvius spurs on the southern side of the volcano not far from the mouth of the Sarno river, the new Pompeii has been developing around the sanctuary founded in 1876 by Bartolo Longo just near its old town centre which had been buried by the Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D.

What is mostly impressive in Pompeii and makes it a unique place in the world from an historical and artistic point of view is the opportunity of reconstruct, along its paved streets, the daily life in the past of its inhabitants. Destroyed by the catastrophic event above.

The terrible Vesuvius eruption buried everything under a thick layer of ash, just like a shroud. An everlasting, immense hecatomb whose remains are well-worth seeing in oder to keep memory of such a tragedy of the ancient past.

The extensive archeological site offers today an outstanding heritage of history: it displays not only the daily life of that time but also significant architectural proofs of public and private housing of the ancient world. Most of the remains are kept at the National Archeological Museum of Naples.


How to reach  Pompeii 

Distances from and to Pompeii

Map of Pompeii

Things to do & to see in Pompeii

Dining in Pompeii

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Last update: 09/04/2014
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